It is time to plan your participation in the Swedish Neutron Scattering Society (SNSS)
Annual Meeting on 15-16 May 2017

Location: Uppsala: Lectures in the Ångström Laboratory.
Time: The scientific programme will start at 13:00 on the 15th May and end by 14:00 PM on the 16th May, where it will then continue with a kick-off meeting for SwedNess, the new Swedish graduate school in neutron scattering held in collaboration for the NordForsk School. Participants at the SNSS meeting are very welcome to attend the afternoon lectures.

Program: Download as PDF

Scientific Programme
Accepted invited speakers for these meetings are:

  • Natalie Malikova UPMC/CNRS Paris, France
  • Cev Noyan Columbia University, New York, USA
  • Jayne Lawrence King’s College London, UK
  • Jeremy Lakey Newcastle University, UK
  • John Womersley ESS, Lund

A major part of the programme of the SNSS meeting consists of contributions as talks or posters from the Swedish neutron scattering community.
Please send one page abstracts to Camilla Dann ( indicating whether they should be considered for oral presentation.

Registration and Fee: 450 SEK + moms (VAT).
The fee includes coffee and a buffet dinner on the 15th and coffee and lunch on the 16th. To register please reply to Camilla Dann ( Include your contact information, the invoice address and information about food allergies or restrictions. If you want to present your results, you also need to send the abstract.

The NEW submission deadline for abstracts is 13 April 2017

WE SUGGEST THAT YOU PLAN YOUR TRAVEL NOW. Uppsala is busy in the middle of May and convenient hotels may be fully booked very early. Now it is up to you, do not miss this opportunity to be a part of two great happenings within the Swedish neutron community this year!

If you have any questions regarding this event, please contact the Organizing Committee:

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