Student’s Spotlight – Bradley Green
Bradley is a PhD student in Materials Chemistry at the Centre for Analysis and Synthesis, within Lund University. His project focuses on small angle scattering of both neutrons and x-rays, alongside a handful of complimentary techniques commonly used within the soft matter realm.
Bradley’s current work explores the nanoscale structure of a class of solvents called “eutectic solvents”. These solvents are formed due to a melting point depression of two solids at room temperature as intermolecular bonds are formed between the two components to form a stable liquid state at room temperature. Bradley’s work into this explores the potential of these solvents for use environmentally friendly carriers of therapeutic compounds, as alternatives to traditional solvents. His other research interests include observing in-situ reactions with time-resolved measurements, using microfluidic devices designed and fabricated himself. He thinks that the most interesting thing about his project work is tailoring unique solutions for unique problems, designing and building his own devices and accessories is something he finds incredibly satisfying.
He thinks that the most important thing during his work is to enjoy the work as much as possible and all that comes with it, making the most of the opportunities of meeting new people and travelling to new places. He believes it is very important to take time for oneself, and spend time surrounded by like-minded people.

Frequently travelling long distances to beamtimes is something that often causes disruption to one’s schedule and can be stressful because of this. Although, this travel also allows plentiful opportunities to converse with others on both a technical and social level. An excellent example of this is Swedish Neutron Week, which is a great way to catch up with familiar faces and also meet some new ones!
Bradley’s best piece of advice for a student embarking into the world of neutron scattering would be to take part in as many of the training events as possible. He has attended scattering courses offered at the various neutron facilities around Europe and when taking part in these, the knowledge gleaned, and personal connections forged are absolutely invaluable.