Membrane Biology

Several research groups in Sweden work around biological membranes. This is because they are vital for life, since they not only enable compartmentalization of cells and cell organelles but also act as a host for a range of proteins that control a biological functions such as signalling cascades, molecular transport across the cell and more.

Neutron scattering and deuteration are used to characterize many properties of biological membranes such as its structure and dynamics. Examples include:

The role of non-lamellar phases in biological membranes by Tommy Nylander’s research group at Lund University

How to make cushioned biological membranes mimics, by Marie Skepö’s research group at Lund University

The barrier function of biological membranes can be studied with neutron scattering to understand the effect of novel antimicrobial compounds, the toxicity of nanocompounds, and the structure of membrane proteins in a natural environment. Examples include:

Unravelling the mechanism of action of the neuroactive drug propofol, by RISE researchers and in particular Petru Niga.

Detecting small, condition dependent changes in average solution conformation of a membrane protein by Marie Lycksell in Erik Lindahl’s group at Stockholm University.